Tuesday 11 September 2007

Someone stop me.....

I need to control! Control my spending! I have incurred alot of expenses this month. Please! Someone stop me!!! Don't date me out! Don't entertain me! Some things which doesn't incur much money:

1) Go Cineleisure watch movie (still need to pay for transport)
2) Stay at home watch TVB Drama (still need to buy dvds)
3) Stay at home surf net, learn more stuff on the net (still need to pay internet bills)
4) Stay home play msn, download music, blog (still need to pay internet bills)
5) Stay home rip all my cds into mp3s (still need to buy a hard drive to contain + lazy Flipster)
6) Exercise, go jogging, go gym (still need to pay admission to gym + lazy Flipster)

Erm, don't you find the above very boring? Haha. I need to go out! If I stay home, I tend to snack! Home = Snack = Grow Fat! No way!
Come to think of it, if I don't spend, how do i enjoy myself? If I don't spend, how do I keep myself occupied? In the end.... still need to spend... right?

Conclusion: Spend, stay out of house :P

1 comment:

Royzzz said...

Go out with Sugar Uncle, everything also free! Even got driver pick u and send u home! Diu.....