Wednesday 5 September 2007

Nothing better to do

I hope this blog thing will start and carry on till I am sick of it. It's going to be a place to fill my memories and feelings of days in life I am experiencing. Things I would like to share with my friends who are reading this blog.

I am a crazy fan of TVB dramas as many friends do know. But recently, when I started to watch "歲月風雲", I didn't know why I couldn't concentrate on the show. My mind just wandered off elsewhere.

Maybe all these was due to what I have experienced for the past few months since April. Many things just happened to me. From all these, I need to learn to pull myself up and learn to start a new life again. I will need to learn to trust... no no no.. I will learn not to trust people that easily.

This blog will make sure I see beautiful colours in the sky and start a life afresh again!


Racheland said...

Glad to see you here! Oh well, trusting a person is tough at times, but I'm very sure you will be able to judge by now then. Keep on writing your blog, I definitely be one of your reader yeah!

irishblue said...

welcome to the blog world! hehe keep writing~ :D I also find 歲月風雲 can't seem to capture my attention.. when I nothing to do then will watch.

be strong and pull yourself together ... we will 撐你! Enjoy life and have fun and put the bad stuff behind ya :)

FlipX said...

Thanks my friend for being my pillar of support! I love you all!!! muack muack muack!