Friday 21 September 2007

Reaching for the limits

It's an "early" Saturday morning at around 11am where Roy and Yeok came to pick Steph and me up for some breakfast and we headed to West Coast Recreation Centre to me Shirley. We headed for Climb Adventure for some fun, exciting rock climbing activities.

Other than Steph, the rest of us enrolled for the beginner's course where they taught us how to tie the rope and belaying. Although I took up Rock Climbing many years back and got the cert, I didn't put into use at all, forgotten everything! whahaha.... Anyway, after we got the hang of it, we started climbing from wall to wall! It was so tiring, but of course challenging! Shirley and Roy were the better climbers, Yeok was expert in belaying! We headed for some sumptous lunch at Jack's Place after the climb. Everyone was exhausted and hungry!

Here are some photos (sorry for the blurness).
Helping Shirley to tie the rope

Up up and away!
Roy-Conquering the most difficult wall

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