Sunday 30 September 2007

The Emptiness Week

It's an emptiness week. I don't know why. Been having bad dreams, controlling my tears and not been enjoying myself, all for one reason. Sometimes I do not understand why is luck turning against me? Why am I so unlucky to be facing all these in this phase all in once. Have I not been a good girl? Have I done anything bad to deserve all these? Why can't I find love? Enough said... sigh....

This week, I would like to thank Steph for taking the effort to bring back KrispyKreme donuts back from Hong Kong for me!!! So nice of her. Jialin and I went for Curtin University's course preview. Now I am in a dilemma which concentration to choose. Is it Accounting and Finance which I know it's the most boring concentration in the world, or is it Finance and Marketing which is filled with Finance modules and I know the prospects can be good in the banking sector. Or is it Marketing and Advertising which is something totally new to me which I think may be interesting but I am so afraid if I go into the wrong concentration, I will be leading myself nowhere. This is something I need to think hard because it's something I will be getting which will stay with me for life.

Another thing to think about - a new job? I applied for a few positions this week and went for a job interview. If let's say I were to be employed, should I leave my current job? I know I will be getting my 13th month in Dec and my performance bonus in January, it's gonna be quite a sum of money! Headache! Headache! Headache.... Let's wait till latest Wednesday for a decision to come.

My new goal - STOP SPENDING!!!!!! Can someone help? hehe....

1 comment:

Royzzz said...

If you wait for bonuses, you will still be in your same job 10 years later. If new job got better prospects, why not?